RUD increase safety in lifting and lashing

Company launches new ABA lifting and L-ABA lashing points with patented wear marking indicators
RUD offer an extensive range of lifting and lashing applications, which includes both welded and threaded types covering a work load capacity range from 0.6 to 200 tonnes.
Safety is imperative when lifting or lashing heavy loads, and this has prompted RUD to introduce the ABA lifting point and L-ABA lashing point (pictured).
Both new products are forged out of high-strength Cr-Ni-Mo steel, which is quenched, tempered and surfaced in phosphate for improved material strength and wear resistance.
According to RUD, the ABA lifting point offers a safety factor of 4:1, while the L-ABA lashing point provides a factor of 2:1.
The ABA and L-ABA also allow the user to check the load ring for damage and wear, via a patented wear marking indicator on both the inside and outside of the body of the load ring.
RUD say the wear marking indicator offers a distinct safety benefit over other load rings.
Observing the patented wear marks will help the user to know if there is more than 10% wear on the item; more than 10% wear on a lifting point means the item must be removed from service.
Moreover, RUD say the wear marks serve a dual function, because they also show the angle of the sling or attachment point relative to the ABA.