Tyre protection chains from RUD

RUD have been producing and protecting tyres with their tyre-protection chains for over 70 years, making them one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers in the industry.
RUD’s tyre-protection chains use case-hardened alloy chains linked in patented designs to provide a high level of tyre protection and traction qualities. The chains offer three wear levels to provide a greater wear resistance, sharp edges on the outer surface to increase traction and multiple link designs to suit a wide range of aggressive and low traction surfaces. The designs and benefits vary to each project and specific requirements.
Earthmover tyres working in harsh conditions in mines, quarries and other heavy industries constantly face damage to tyres due to punctures and sidewall damage from haul road rock debris and accidental impact.
Without a full set of tyre-protection chains, a machine is just an expensive lump of idle metal that is costing the operator. Where load and haul is a central component of the operation, ensuring that all earthmovers and haul trucks are constantly mobile and operational is vital to the operator’s success. To ensure this success they will depend on highly skilled staff combined with a rigorous maintenance schedule focusing closely on tyres to ensure that they are operational as much as possible.
Plant owners are faced with a worldwide earthmover tyre shortage, which is increasing the cost of tyre replacements and forcing them to stockpile spare tyres. RUD have seen a dramatic increase in more and more plant owners using tyre-protection chains to reserve and maintain their valuable assets.
RUD say their tyre-protection chains can extend a tyre’s life by a factor of ten, making them an essential asset to help ensure high productivity and production targets, essentially saving operations a lot of money in damaged machinery.