Largest-ever bauma presence for McLanahan

Company to premiere new UltraWASH modular wash plant at this year’s show
McLANAHAN Corporation will be taking their largest exhibition space to date at bauma 2019, where they will launch the new UltraWASH modular wash plant.
Experienced with modular wash equipment since the 1960s, McLanahan have taken their field-proven designs and created a standardized line that is containerized, easy-to-install and fast to set up. Available in three sizes, the UltraWASH system can produce up to three grades of aggregate and two sand products. It features a single process water feed point, as well as a single effluent discharge point.
Thanks to McLanahan’s recent acquisition of Anaconda Equipment, the washing system hopper and conveyor can be upgraded with tracks for easier conveyor maintenance. The UltraWASH line is available with several configurations and add-ons including: Feed preparation – log-washers, blade mills, screw washers; Attrition; Organics removal; and Water treatment – filter presses and thickeners.
McLanahan will also be displaying their UltraCRUSH modular cone crusher, which has been designed to size materials to meet specific requirements. As with the UltraWASH modular wash plant, UltraCRUSH is containerized, easy to set up and install, and can be transported around the site or to other locations as required.