Welsh Slate ship record amount of aggregates to Europe

Company supplies 10,000 tonnes of decorative materials for distribution across the Continent
THIS year has seen a record amount of decorative aggregate shipped to Europe by Welsh Slate, part of the Lagan Group.
In what was expected to be the final shipment of 2016, some 2,500 tonnes destined for Redsun Garden Products, in Germany, left Bangor port for Rotterdam last month [October] in the 1,862-tonne Eems Stream cargo vessel.
Upon arrival at Rotterdam, the material was reloaded on to two barges and transferred to Zand and Grindelwald at Waalwijk in the Netherlands. Half was then taken by road to Redsun in Kevelaer, Germany, for distribution throughout mainland Europe.
The Welsh Slate cargo consisted of: 300 tonnes of 20mm blue; 1,600 tonnes of 40mm plum; and 600 tonnes of 40mm blue crushed aggregate, which was delivered to Bangor over two days from Welsh Slate’s primary aggregates quarry at Penrhyn.
It was the fourth such shipment this year, bringing the total supplied to Redsun in 2016 to 10,000 tonnes – a record for this booming side of Welsh Slate’s business.