SiteZone take site safety to next level

Company builds on core safety ethos with new onboard weighing division and new people
FOLLOWING a successful year in 2021, SiteZone Safety, one of the leading UK providers of proximity warning systems, have grown their team to provide an enhanced level of support to customers and take plant/pedestrian collision safety management to the next level.
A new division was launched at the end of last year supplying, installing, and servicing a range of onboard weighing products. Having been a distributor of VEI onboard weighing systems for several years and having seen the impact these devices can have on site safety, SiteZone say it was a natural progression to create a dedicated division to look after these products.
Managing director Gary Escott commented: ‘The main benefit of an onboard weighing system is to control costs and increase productivity at sites such as quarries and waste and recycling centres. But an additional advantage of the weighing systems is the reduction in vehicle movement around a site.
‘By removing the need to travel back and forth to and from a weighbridge you reduce the collision risk. When you look at that in the context of already high-risk sectors that use weighing systems, like quarrying and waste and recycling, the potential for safety improvement seems more valid.
‘The Health and Safety Executive’s workplace fatal injuries data for 2020/21 showed that the rate of fatal injury per 100,000 workers is greatest in agriculture, forestry and fishing, and waste and recycling. If we can help reduce this risk by reducing vehicle movement itself, then we are succeeding in our collective goal to get everyone home safe every day.’
SiteZone Safety have also grown the number of people they have working for them by more than 30%. Recent additions to the team include a bookkeeper and credit controller, operations director, marketing manager, business development manager, and field service engineers.
‘Having this extra resource enables us to work even closer with our customers to help solve their site safety issues and support the training of their employees working with our proximity warning systems. We can analyse behaviours on site using our telematics system to create real behavioural change of people working in close proximity to moving vehicles,’ continued Mr Escott.
‘People are the key part of People Plant Interface management. SiteZone Safety are unique by not just providing you with a product and leaving you to it. They support you throughout the lifetime of working with your proximity warning systems, integrating with your current safe systems of work and creating lasting safety improvements on your sites.’