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MPQC Blasting Competency Scheme gains CSCS accreditation

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Construction Skills Certification Scheme stamp of approval for MPQC blasting and drilling qualifications

IN July 2013 the UK Government published ‘Construction 2025’, a joint government/industry strategy for the future of the UK construction industry, one of the recommendations of which was for the sector to begin using a preferred single industry logo, hence the introduction of the CSCS (Construction Skills Certification Scheme) logo.

The aim of the single industry logo is to provide instant recognition that an individual has achieved an agreed standard of competence-based qualification in the occupation they are working in.


The move to card schemes carrying the CSCS logo was first introduced in January 2015 and trade associations, contractors, clients and government began to promote such schemes. There are now more than 25 card schemes approved by CSCS.

Following industry consultation and agreement with its members and key stakeholders, the MPQC Blasting Competency Scheme (BCS) gained CSCS accreditation in early 2018.

This means that, as of 1 February 2018, an application can be made to MPQC for the CSCS logo to be added to both new and existing Blasting and Drilling cards. For the drilling and blasting operator, this means their MPQC qualifications have the construction industry stamp of approval and will be recognized within the industry.

CSCS-branded Blasting and Drilling competency cards can be issued for the following occupations: shotfiring; blast design; profiling; storage; explosives supervision; bulk explosive truck operations; and drilling.

MPQC will continue to be regularly audited against the CSCS standards in order to maintain recognition.

Blasting and Drilling competency cards can only be issued on the attainment of one of the vocational qualifications listed below, and the applicant must also hold a current CSCS or MPQC Health & Safety test certificate:

  • 603/1032/7 MPQC Level 5 Diploma in Shotfiring Supervision for the Extractive and Minerals Processing Industries
  • 603/1026/1 MPQC Level 2 Award in Explosives Storage for the Extractive and Minerals Processing Industries
  • 603/1027/3 MPQC Level 3 Certificate in Face Profiling for the Extractive and Minerals Processing Industries
  • 603/1028/5 MPQC Level 3 Certificate in Bulk Explosive Truck Operations
  • 603/1031/5 MPQC Level 5 Certificate in Blast Design for the Extractive and Minerals Processing Industries
  • 603/1029/7 MPQC Level 3 Diploma in Shotfiring for the Extractive and Minerals Processing Industries
  • 603/1186/1 Level 2 Diploma in Drilling Operations

The Blasting and Drilling cards are current for a period of five years from the date of issue. To maintain competency, the candidate will have to undergo an MPQC Blasting/Drilling audit and health and safety test, which will allow the issue of a replacement card that will last for a further five years.

For further information contact the MP Awards office on tel: (0115) 972 6121; or email: [email protected]


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