Industry request for geotechnical toolbox talks

QNJAC geotechnics sub-committee seeks existing materials that provide guidance on best practice
THE geotechnics sub-committee of the Quarries National Joint Advisory Committee (QNJAC) is in the process of gathering existing toolbox talks which are currently used to provide geotechnical guidance on best practice to quarry workers and operatives.
The ultimate aim is to compile a single series of QNJAC-branded toolbox talks which will be approved by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and published for use within the industry.
The initial series will be focused on the following subjects: Stockpiles; Lagoons; Tips; Face Working; and Edge Protection.
The geotechnics sub-committee would be very grateful to receive any relevant toolbox talk materials, both written and illustrative, which are currently in use, as a starting point for gathering best practice guidance for managing geotechnical issues.
All submissions should be sent to Paul Joel, chairman of the QNJAC geotechnics sub-committee, who will forward them on to the individual sub-committee sponsors. Mr Joel can be contacted at: