Casella launch updated Boundary Guardian system

Company adds vibration-monitoring capability to web-based environmental unit
Casella have launched a new version of their Boundary Guardian system which now features a ground-borne vibration monitoring option, as well as the unit’s existing noise- and dust-monitoring functionalities. This further enhances the capability of Boundary Guardian, which is an essential tool for effective environmental monitoring on construction, demolition and processing sites.
According to Casella, a London-based international construction company has saved more than £120,000 in consultancy fees in one year thanks to the use of the environmental monitoring system.
The Boundary Guardian is essentially a plug-and-play solution for web-based, real-time remote monitoring of noise, dust and vibration emissions, which allows users to ensure compliance with regulatory limits all-year round.
While noise and dust emissions are generally under scrutiny, vibration from applications, such as piling, can create major structural integrity problems for adjacent properties and many planning authorities are now cracking down on this.
To ensure effective vibration monitoring, a tri-axial geophone is wired to the main Boundary Guardian housing and records the maximum peak particle velocity within a 5min period. Collected data is available for review via a secure website and reports can be produced to ensure compliance with planning limits.
In addition, optional SMS alerts are available in the event that vibration levels exceed limits. This brings peace of mind to operators concerned about the close proximity of intense construction activity to nearby buildings, many of which could have historical significance.
‘The launch of the updated Boundary Guardian with vibration monitoring capability is another big step forward for controlling emissions on construction and demolition sites,’ said Shaun Knott, business development manager for Casella.
‘No other environmental monitoring solution on the market offers the same level of functionality and performance. With the new version of the Boundary Guardian installed, site operators can keep up to date in real-time with their emissions and take action to reduce them if necessary.’