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S16 - Induction & Training

It is a fact that many accidents occur within the first week of an employee starting with a company. It is also true that some accidents result when employees undertake tasks that they are not competent to perform.

Having a process in place for determining skills matrix for job roles and matching those against the skills of individuals will allow a manager to establish a development plan to improve the overall competence of his workforce.

This procedure gives guidance on a good system for undertaking an initial induction and performing an annual appraisal of training needs. Included is a template for training identification.

What is this?

This is a written procedure which covers all aspects of health and safety training within the workplace. A PDF of the procedure is available to download (see attached), please use it in conjunction with the attached Health & Safety Induction Form and Training Matrix.

What do we need to do?

The person responsible for implementing this procedure must ensure that:

  • All employees and contractors are given relevant information on the risks to their health and safety and specify what control measures are in place to protect them;
  • New employees and contractors are subjected to a health and safety induction prior to starting any activities in the workplace;
  • Health and safety induction records are signed by all parties (to confirm their understanding) and then filed accordingly;
  • A training needs analysis is conducted for all employees and will identify all aspects of health and safety training required;
  • All identified training is carried out by competent persons;
  • Training is kept under review.

What do employees and contractors need to do?

Employees and contractors must:

  • Never undertake any activities or tasks until they have received a specific site health and safety induction;
  • Sign and date the health and safety induction form to acknowledge they have received and understood the information that has been issued to them;
  • Never undertake tasks they have not been trained for.

Induction training for employees and contractors

Health and safety induction training for employees and contractors must be carried out prior to starting any activity in the workplace. The topics that should be covered within an induction are:

  • Company health and safety policy
  • Specific workplace/site rules
  • Emergency procedures (including fire, spillage and accident reporting)
  • Relevant risk assessments and safe systems of work (including COSHH, manual handling)
  • Site map/plans (including noise exclusion zones)
  • Isolation and lock off – if applicable
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Asbestos
  • Inspection regime
  • Housekeeping

Personal development training

In addition to the induction training, the office manager must undertake a three stage approach to managing health and safety training within the workplace. The stages are:

  1. Identify training needs
  2. Arrange/Organise the training
  3. Evaluate the effectiveness of the training

Stage 1 – Identifying training needs

To identify the training needs of employees, the office manager and line manager should consider the following:

  • The current role the employee is undertaking
  • Changes to relevant legislation and industry standards
  • A review of site specific risk assessments
  • A review of accidents, incidents and near hits
  • A review of employee training records
  • Forecasting - looking at future developments

Note:  Once training has been identified, then it must be transferred onto a training needs matrix.

Stage 2 – Arranging/organising the training

Source a suitable trainer(s) to deliver the training and decide whether the format will be:

  • A formal presentation with case studies
  • Workshop-based training with practical demonstrations
  • In a tool box talk format
  • On the job training
  • Distance learning.

Stage 3 – Evaluating the effectiveness of the training

Once the training has taken place, evaluate the effectiveness of the training by reviewing:

  • The content of the training (case studies, visual aids).
  • How it was delivered?
  • Was it well received by employees?
  • Did it cover the main objectives?
  • Have improvements been made in the workplace since the training was delivered?


  • Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
  • Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999

Associated documentation

  • Health and safety training matrix
  • Health and safety induction sheet

This workplace procedure forms part of a Health & Safety Risk Management System for employers in the quarrying industry. The procedures, which cover a wide range of workplace risks and hazards, can be viewed here

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