Membership that embraces personal effectiveness

First published in the June 2023 issue of Quarry Management
IQ highlights CPD, one of the favoured methods of personal effectiveness
Used by the University of Oxford for supporting personal, professional and career development, Vitae’s Research Development Framework (RDF) describes personal effectiveness as ‘the personal qualities, career and self-management skills required to take ownership for and control of professional development’1.
According to One Education, the four main components of personal effectiveness include ownership, execution, discipline and learning agility. Ownership requires an individual to be results-driven or outcome-focused in their work2. A combination of efficiency and purpose is required for execution. Discipline is described as an ‘orderly or prescribed conduct or pattern of behaviour’. Learning agility simply means demonstrating growth in mindset, by constantly learning in order to keep up with an ever-changing world, where new methods, guidance and ways of working are implemented.
It is clear, therefore, that personal effectiveness is an individual journey of managing time, energy, and resources to achieve desired outcomes. It is a lifelong journey that requires self-reflection, self-improvement, and continuous effort to enhance abilities and achieve personal and professional success.
Today, in the quarrying and mineral products industries, personal effectiveness is evidenced through a variety of means.
One of the most favoured methods of keeping on top of personal effectiveness is through continuous professional development (CPD). CPD is a common thread woven throughout the sector and ensures that individuals can continue to attain new knowledge that can be implemented in everyday practices. It aims to provide information on new ways of working and remind us how current work should be carried out.
James Thorne, chief executive officer of the Institute of Quarrying (IQ), says: ‘It is imperative that professionals are equipped with the knowledge, understanding and practical application of key regulations and standards.’
IQ offers a variety of content in several formats to suit the needs of everyone’s individual learning styles. Featured below are just some of the CPD opportunities available.

Personal development wheel
If you are unsure of where to start in terms of personal development, IQ has created a useful resource that allows industry professionals to review areas of their personal development that they wish to improve. Split into four headline segments, Standards & Professionalism; Engagement, Influence & Impact; Personal Effectiveness; and Knowledge & Innovation, everyone is presented with their own tailored audit.
Using the results of the audit, individuals can then create a personalized development plan in the highlighted areas they wish to develop, in order to achieve career goals.

Webinars and events
On a monthly basis, IQ’s dedicated network of regional branches hosts events and webinars on a multitude of industry-related topics in order for members to gain knowledge and CPD. Topics can vary from health and safety, mental health, and blast design to environmental topics such as decarbonization, net-zero agendas and restoration schemes.
Due to the many events and webinars held by the branches, IQ’s membership database reveals that within the last six months, West of England branch members claimed the most CPD with an impressive 5,371 hours.
Otto Karhunen, chairman of the IQ West of England branch, says: ‘The branch regularly hosts seminars in the form of technical evenings, with expert speakers providing valuable updates on current topics and developments happening in the industry. Last year we held interactive workshops on the maintenance and management of electrical contractors. We found the workshop format effective, allowing members to learn from each other in an informal and relaxed atmosphere.
‘Following a long pause for the pandemic, the branch returned to arranging field trips to local sites, offering first-hand CPD experience. I’m proud to say the branch has a strong culture of professionalism and a desire to learn.’

Training opportunities
IQ has an extensive suite of education and training courses and resources which are delivered by industry experts. Including qualifications, online learning and in-company training, the variety of training formats allows individuals to learn by their own preferences.
IQ’s membership database further reveals that training courses are the most popular format for obtaining CPD, with 2,779 hours claimed in the last six months.
Speaking on the importance of CPD training courses, Julian Smallshaw, IQ’s head of education and standards, says: ‘Improvements in skills can directly lift workers’ productivity, and hence boost growth, wages and consumption across the economy.
‘We’re proud to offer a variety of engaging training opportunities in aid of professional development. This includes both in-person and online training formats and the option to collate and customize modules tailored to an individual’s requirements, with IQ’s CPD Select programme.’
IQ Connect
IQ Connect is an all-in-one app designed with CPD in mind. The app allows members to easily log their CPD entries and track entries via visual and personalized mapped progression graphs. Members also can register directly to attend upcoming events and webinars hosted by regional branches.
More recently, there has been a significant increase in the number of available webinar recordings, allowing members to obtain further CPD in their own time. The app also features 11 bite-size e-learning modules that members can complete at their own pace. In line with ‘Learning at Work Week’ last month, the most recent module covers the topic of hand-arm vibration (HAV).
As an IQ member, to find out more about how your personal effectiveness can be enhanced, visit:
References (n.d.), ‘Personal Effectiveness - or Taking Ownership’, Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division. [online]
RAYES, A.: (2022), ‘13 Personal Effectiveness Skills You Need To Master’, One Education. [online]
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