Topcon introduce Thermal Mapper system

Expansion of intelligent paving portfolio with temperature quality control to accelerate asphalt paving outcomes
TOPCON Positioning Group have introduced their new Thermal Mapper for asphalt paving, designed to monitor temperature segregation to prevent future problems, measure performance and provide accurate compliance reporting – all with real-time kinematic (RTK) positioning accuracy.
The mapper records temperature readings behind an asphalt paver as the paving is in progress and provides a visualization to operators, in real time, of whether the mix falls within a pre-defined temperature range, and if any segregation is limited within specifications.
‘If too much segregation occurs, roads will soon develop major problems. The mapper quickly tells operators if the mix is stable or if moderate or severe temperature variation is occurring. If the readings are unacceptable, operators can adjust for more efficient and accurate project outcomes,’ said Murray Lodge, Topcon’s senior vice-president of construction.
‘The system’s sensors also bring to the market the first thermal mapping system with RTK GPS positioning for more accurate results than conventional methods.’
The system also creates data reporting files to download through an interactive Pavelink module, the Topcon cloud-based logistics application for asphalt paving.
‘We are excited about where Topcon is taking the paving industry with the different solutions we are bringing to market. From SmoothRide, where we scan the existing road to determine the optimal design for variable depth milling and paving to the newly released Pavelink system, we are focused on improving paving.
‘Pavelink allows contractors to monitor the entire paving workflow from the batch plant, mixing plant, trucks, to the paver, to the rollers. By connecting the entire process, it allows the contractor to have full control over their projects in real time and make adjustments along the way, instead of after the fact as is so often the case with conventional methods.
‘Now, bringing in the heat sensor system into that workflow, we are giving contractors more resources to meet the specifications demanded today. It’s part of our commitment to revolutionize the planning and management of the asphalt paving process with real-time visibility throughout the project lifecycle,’ said Mr Lodge.