IQ announces open meeting to discuss plans for NSC

Everyone welcome at public meeting which takes place on 1 October at National Stone Centre
AN open meeting to discuss future plans for the National Stone Centre (NSC) is taking place at 15.30 on 1 October 2021 at the centre on Porter Lane, Wirksworth, in Derbyshire.
The event is hosted by the Institute of Quarrying (IQ) and the trustees of the National Stone Centre, following its merger with the IQ in September. Attendees need to register by email to:
Miles Watkins, NSC integration project manager at IQ, will be leading the event. He commented: ‘We have received a surge of positive support since announcing the merger of the National Stone Centre with the IQ. We are hosting a series of open meetings where we will be welcoming feedback from the public about our vision for a new, re-energized visitor attraction.’
A series of short presentations from representatives of the NSC and IQ will be hosted in the meeting room at the National Stone Centre. Refreshments will be supplied by the on-site Blue Lagoon Coffee House & Cafe.
Ian Thomas, originator long term director of the National Stone Centre, said: ‘The aim of the NSC is to be a centre of excellence at national, regional and local scales, in all aspects relating to learning about stone and allied matters in the UK. This is very much about building upon the 30-year legacy of the NSC. Our open meeting is an opportunity for us to engage with local people and to learn more about what they’d like to see in future at the centre.’
For further information visit the IQ website: