IQ announces membership price freeze

Institute retaining current fees next year to support members during cost of living crisis
MINERAL products professionals who choose to renew or join membership of the Institute of Quarrying (IQ) in 2023 will do so at no extra cost, as the industry body announces a price freeze.
IQ membership will remain at the current 2022 rates next year. The decision to freeze costs is part of the IQ’s approach to support its members during the cost of living crisis. Members are reminded that additional support is also available from the IQ Benevolent Fund.
Sarah Fry, head of marketing and membership at the IQ, said: ‘We understand that we are all facing current health, social, and economic uncertainties, which is why IQ has decided to freeze membership subscription costs as part of our approach to continuously support our members.
‘In addition to championing career progression with access to education and skills development opportunities, the IQ and its network of industry professionals are here to personally help members should they need it.’
The IQ Benevolent Fund (IQBF) was established in 1925. It has helped many members and families over the years facing financial uncertainties because of long-term illness, disability, or death.
IQ chief executive officer James Thorne explained: ‘Every year, one percent of all member fees are donated to the IQ Benevolent Fund. The fund provides reassurance for members old and new in the UK, and their dependents, in times of difficulty.
‘The IQ Benevolent Fund is all about the industry giving back to our friends and colleagues, and their families, in times of hardship. It’s one of those IQ member benefits that sits quietly in the background and which is only called upon in exceptional circumstances.
‘Our message is simple. The IQ Benevolent Fund is here for those in need. Anyone contacting IQBF can be assured that their situation will be treated with discretion and care, and each case that comes forward is treated individually by an independent board of trustees.’
The IQ promotes professionalism in the minerals products sector. Members benefit from career development opportunities with access to valuable CPD resources, internationally recognized qualifications, and a network of professionals sharing accumulated knowledge and good practice.
The cost of IQ membership:
Associate grade – £112
Technical Member grade – £114
Member grade – £160
Fellow grade membership – £170
Contact Debbie White for more information about IQ membership:
Contact Wanda Zablocki, IQBF Welfare Officer, for information about the IQ Benevolent Fund and support:
Additional information is available online at: