Fox (Owmby) opt for Volvo heavyweights

After-market support proved the deciding factor says family-owned civil engineering business
FOX (Owmby) Ltd have made a significant investment in a new 70-tonne Volvo EC700C excavator and three new Volvo A40G articulated haulers.
Specialists in overburden stripping for the extractive industry nationwide, Fox (Owmby) Ltd already had a taste for operating a Volvo EC700C, which they had on long-term hire during 2014 working in conjunction with 40-tonne trucks.
‘Working the combination of excavator and trucks as a team proved to be very successful on a variety of contracts, but hiring them long term wasn’t a viable option,’ commented strategic operations manager Adam Fox.
‘Having looked at the marketplace, the decision to opt for the package on offer from Volvo Construction Equipment was a close run thing, but at the end of the day we considered that the after-market support and working relationships with our potential supplier would be the deciding factor in our purchasing decision.’
He continued: ‘We have a first-class rapport with Volvo’s support team, the local support centre and key support personnel at their Duxford head office – we know who we are talking to and we know we’ll get their full support every time we need it.’
The EC700C and A40G articulated haulers are the largest Volvo products to be purchased by Fox (Owmby) Ltd to date, having had over 30 years’ experience running Volvo 25-tonne and 30-tonne trucks, and excavators up to 46 tonnes in operating weight.
‘From our experience last year we know this new combination works and will make us even more competitive in the overburden removal sector within the extractive business going forward,’ said Mr Fox.
With the optional side extensions and overhung tailgates taken by Fox (Owmby) Ltd, the fuel-efficient Volvo A40G has a carrying capacity of 39 tonnes, a heaped capacity of 24.7 cubic metres and a maximum speed of 57km/h.
In mass-excavation configuration, as delivered to Fox, Volvo’s flagship EC700C excavator offers a maximum reach of 11.2m, a digging depth of 7.25m and a lifting capacity across carriage at full reach of 12.4 tonnes.