CLEARNOX prevents AdBlue SCR system failure

New urea solution from Total eliminates crystallization in selective catalytic reduction system
CLEARNOX from Total has been designed to save on- and off-road fleets significant sums of money while minimizing unplanned vehicle and equipment downtime. Like AdBlue, CLEARNOX treats nitrogen oxide (NOx) but also eliminates the risk of downtime by preventing crystallization in the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system.
By using CLEARNOX and preventing crystallization, Total say the AdBlue SCR system will work efficiently and not need to be replaced, representing a potential saving of up to £3,000.
Crystallization is a problem that can arise when the exhaust gases are not hot enough to react properly with AdBlue so that it does not completely turn into ammonia. When this happens, cyanuric crystals can form which can contaminate the system and bring the vehicle to a standstill.
CLEARNOX is a ready-to-use urea solution suitable for all on-road and off-road vehicles and equipment fitted with SCR technology. It guarantees an optimal spray that ensures a complete reaction, even at low temperatures, to prevent crystallization in the SCR system.
Patented by Total and developed by their researchers in partnership with engine and vehicle manufacturers, CLEARNOX complies with the physical and chemical specifications in the ISO 22241 standard and ensures compliance with emissions levels in pollution and control standards.
For optimal operation, CLEARNOX should always be used and the vehicle’s SCR system should be cleaned at a certified auto repair centre prior to the solution being introduced.
Kevin Yeadon, Total UK’s heavy-duty diesel oil/off-road channel manager, said: ‘CLEARNOX is beneficial for all on-road and off-road vehicles equipped with SCR technology, including heavy goods vehicles and construction equipment.
‘The biggest concern for fleet and equipment operators is with low-temperature operation, where the AdBlue is not completely turned into ammonia, leading to crystallization and costly repairs and unplanned downtime.
‘The key question operators should consider is whether they are experiencing issues with crystallization in their SCR systems. If they are, then CLEARNOX is the solution they need.’