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S19 - Maintenance & Inspection Of Plant & Equipment

Inspection and maintenance of plant and equipment is a fundamental process that needs to be carried out on all plant and equipment.

The Maintenance and Inspection Procedure outlines what is required in a scheme for maintenance and inspection including:

  • Boundaries
  • Pedestrian and traffic routes
  • Mobile plant (including brake testing), and
  • Static plant (including guarding and structural integrity).

It is further supported by individual procedures in:

  • LV and HV electrical systems
  • Pressure systems
  • Lifting equipment
  • Pedestrian and traffic routes
  • Operator competence, and
  • Welfare and office facilities.

Additionally, there is a series of inspection templates that can be modified so that they are relevant to your operation.

What is this?

This is a written procedure which covers all aspects of the maintenance and inspection of plant and equipment. It also provides detailed information on its implementation within the workplace. A PDF of the procedure is available to download (see attached), please use it in conjunction with the attached Checklists and Toolbox Talks.

What is needed on site?

The responsible manager must ensure:

  • A scheme of site inspection is developed identifying:
    • the items to be inspected;
    • who will undertake them;
    • how often;
    • how the inspection will be undertaken;
    • how the results will be recorded; and
    • the post inspections responsibilities of all involved.
  • All areas of the site and the plant and equipment contained within it, are inspected regularly by competent persons;
  • The accompanying generic inspection forms are modified as necessary to cover all site-specific plant and equipment;
  • Employees and contractors are trained and authorised to complete inspections;
  • Completed inspection forms are reviewed and action plans maintained to correct identified defects;
  • Regular inspections are carried out by the site safety representatives or the safety committee;
  • Regular structural inspections are undertaken for all plant potentially subject to deterioration from mechanical or corrosive damage;
  • The frequency of inspections is determined by a risk assessment.

The responsible manager must ensure:

  • All plant, equipment and workplaces are maintained to a standard that ensures the health and safety of any person is not adversely affected;
  • Appropriate schedules of maintenance and inspection are maintained for all items of equipment and workplaces;
  • The workplace is maintained in a clean and tidy condition;
  • All welfare facilities are maintained in a hygienic condition;
  • All Personal Protective Equipment is stored and maintained as required.

What items will form part of the scheme?

The following items should be included in a scheme of inspection and maintenance:

  • working faces;
  • haul roads;
  • boundaries;
  • pedestrian and traffic routes;
  • mobile plant (including brake testing);
  • static plant (including guarding and structural integrity);
  • operator competence;  
  • pressure systems;
  • lifting equipment;
  • low and high voltage electrical systems;
  • local exhaust ventilation;
  • welfare and office facilities; and
  • public road interface.

Note: For more information refer to the separate procedures which cover the above topics in more detail.


A review of the scheme maintenance and inspection is beneficial at routine intervals (annually) to evaluate its overall performance and to ensure it remains effective.


  • Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
  • Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999
  • Quarries Regulations 1999
  • Lifting Operation and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998
  • Pressure Safety Systems Regulations 2000
  • The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992
  • The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998

Note: This list is by no means exhaustive but identifies some of the key pieces of legislation associated with isolation and lock off.

Associated documentation

  • Generic plant and workplace inspection sheets

This workplace procedure forms part of a Health & Safety Risk Management System for employers in the quarrying industry. The procedures, which cover a wide range of workplace risks and hazards, can be viewed here

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