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RDS Technology help maximize loading efficiency

RDS Loadmaster α100

Extended productivity data-management portfolio for quarry and gravel pit applications

RDS Technology’s product portfolio for quarry and gravel pit productivity management offers a suite of high-precision measuring and productivity tools which allow the productivity manager to maximize the efficiency and profitability of his or her site.

The RDS Loadmaster α100, Loadex 100 and iSOSYNC PC software (also available as a downloadable app) increase the efficiency of load-out operations, batching and blending and stock movements.


RDS iSOSYNC allows the excavator operator to directly transfer information on the volumes of material loaded to a remote office (eg face to primary crusher).

iSOSYNC also allows the productivity manager to send jobs, via the Loadmaster α100 on-board weighing system, in real time from his or her remotely located office using GPS/3G/Wi-Fi and to receive back the resultant load information.

When a customer’s truck arrives on site, the loader operator has immediate visibility of the job information on the screen of his Loadmaster α100.

The operator knows from the screen which product to load, which product bay to get it from, how many tonnes or kilos of product has to be loaded, and the number plate of the truck into which the product needs to go. The operator also knows which customer the product is going to.

In addition, the site manager has visibility of the loader operator’s screen from outside the vehicle, using the iSOSYNC app on his or her mobile device.

While the operator is loading the truck, the Loadmaster screen indicates the weight of product loaded, the remaining target and number of buckets.

The system’s special tip-off feature allows operator to whittle the final bucket volume down to exactly the right amount, so the truck is loaded accurately first time, thereby saving time and money.

Once the driver has completed the job, pressing the Clear button on the Loadmaster unit immediately submits the load data directly to the office.

Meanwhile, the truck driver takes his or her ticket from the ICP300 in-cab printer and drives away with minimal delay, secure in the knowledge that the Loadmaster α100 is trade approved for commercial transactions.


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