Quarry giants create new point of view

Tarmac and Aggregate Industries jointly reinstate popular viewing platform near Lancaster
TARMAC and Aggregate Industries have joined forces to reinstate a viewing platform that is popular with walkers and the local community near Lancaster.
The two companies jointly funded the construction of the new viewing platform between their Carnforth quarries at Back Lane and Leapers Wood.
The previous viewing area had to be moved due to further limestone excavation on the site of the old platform.
The two companies, working with the local community, have now completed a brand-new quarry viewpoint, which includes seating, an information board, and a commemorative plaque, and is accessible from a nearby public footpath.
Overlooking both quarries, it will allow walkers and hikers to safely survey the limestone cliffs and operations quarry below, as well as providing panoramic views of Lancashire and Cumbria, taking in Morecambe Bay and the South Lakes Fells.
Local people and councils supported the project and joined representatives from both Aggregate Industries and Tarmac to officially open the new facility on Monday 10 October 2022.
Mike Hunter, quarry manager at Aggregate Industries’ Back Lane Quarry, said: ‘We’re delighted to have reinstated the facility that will benefit local people.
‘We have worked closely with the community, local authorities, and the quarry liaison committee to make this a reality. It provides fantastic views and hopefully a bit of respite for people out walking.
‘Particular thanks must go to George Smith and Ian Williams from the liaison committee, and Marcus Byron and Elizabeth Pickett who designed the information panel.
‘At Aggregate Industries, we’re really pleased that we’ve been able to work together with Tarmac to put something back into the local area.’
Jilly Mounsey, quarry manager at Tarmac’s Leapers Wood Quarry, said: ‘We’re so pleased to have been able to support delivery of the new viewpoint, seating area and information board in collaboration with Aggregate Industries.
‘It couldn’t have been achieved without a huge amount of work from members of the local community, local authority, and quarry liaison committee and we are delighted to be able to celebrate its launch. We hope it is enjoyed for many years to come.’