Flexco introduce new modular impact beds

Newly introduced product line offers effective and affordable load zone protection for conveyors
FLEXCO have added modular impact beds to their line of load zone solutions. Engineered with maximum capacity in mind, while ensuring full containment, the modular beds are designed with universal components that offer effective and affordable load zone protection.
The new modular impact beds feature a 600mm sectional design, which allows the user to choose the layout of their particular load zone, depending on application-specific performance requirements.
‘Users can choose to use an all-bar section for high-impact areas, or a slider impact section where lower impact resistance or sealing is required,’ said Kevin Fales, BCP marketing specialist for Flexco. ‘And when both styles are combined, users can achieve ultimate performance in the load zone.’
As well as offering total design control in the load zone, the new modular impact beds can also be paired side-by-side with each other, to match specific load zone lengths and requirements.
The modular impact beds feature field-adjustable trough angles, long-lasting 25mm UHMW bars that are designed for use on reversing belts, and slide out in three pieces for ease of service.