Doosan join European Demolition Association

Ongoing expansion in demolition sector sees Doosan Infracore Europe become corporate member of EDA
DOOSAN Infracore Europe have joined the European Demolition Association (EDA), the trade body representing national demolition associations, demolition contractors and demolition equipment suppliers across the continent.
Founded in 1978, the EDA supports technical excellence, safety and best practice, and is a major contributor to the setting of European standards and the passing of health and safety legislation in the industry.
Dedicated to looking after, promoting and protecting the interests of its members, the Association also promotes the removal, depositing and recycling of demolition debris, and communicates the latest information on techniques, working methods and training.
Gilles Bendaoud, vice-president of sales and marketing for Doosan Infracore Europe, said: ‘Demolition has always been an important market for Doosan. Our new membership of the EDA is a significant move as we continue our expansion in the demolition market both in Europe and globally.
‘It also nicely complements the launch of our DX235DM demolition excavator (pictured) at the end of 2019, the first model in our new range of high-reach demolition excavators for the international markets.
‘The first machines we have delivered have been very well accepted by customers and we will add two further models in the range – the DX380DM and DX530DM – later this year.’