Caterpillar launch new app for mobile equipment management

First app of its kind provides important equipment data to mobile devices
CATERPILLAR have announced the launch of the industry’s first mobile app designed to allow operators who spend their time in a truck, at a job site or on the go, to take advantage of equipment telematics data.
The new app delivers simplified, streamlined data directly to mobile devices, helping customers monitor machine status and location, react faster to fault codes and maximize uptime. It has been optimized for contractors who need to track critical machine operating data from the field.
‘The app development included 150 customers and dealers from around the world to learn what they considered most important from their telematics data,’ said Fred Rio, director of digital and technology for Caterpillar Construction Industries.
‘The vast majority of the feedback, regardless of brand, fell into three customer challenges: tracking machine hours and location; receiving equipment fault codes; and managing maintenance without being tied to the computer back at the office.’
The new mobile equipment management tool gives customers an easy way to monitor their entire fleet, request parts and service, and connect with their Cat dealer from the work site. The exact location of all equipment tracked by the app is displayed on the mobile device, along with the machine’s operating hours, health and utilization data. It helps operators to get the most from their equipment by moving an under-utilized asset to precisely where it is needed most.
Customizable push notifications alert Cat app users of machine operating condition, even if they do not check the app every day. Upcoming planned service indicators, based on machine operating hours, are sent to the user so servicing can be scheduled accordingly. Fault codes (eg engine alerts) provide warnings of critical service issues that need to be addressed before a downtime event occurs.
Designed for machine owners worldwide, users of the app can choose from 35 different languages. The Cat app is available to download from the App Store or Play Store for both iOS and Android operating systems.