Rapidmix 400CW for KwaMhlanga Group

South African contractor doubles roadwork production with mobile continuous concrete mixing plant
RAPID International Ltd, based in Co. Armagh, Northern Ireland, have recently supplied KwaMhlanga Group with a new Rapidmix 400CW mobile continuous concrete mixing plant for the production of road sub-base in South Africa.
KwaMhlanga are a large, diverse, civil engineering contracting group who operate in the construction, slip-form concrete, continuous mixing and paving, plant hire and property development sectors. Established in Gauteng province of South Africa in 2007, the Group has since established itself as one of the leading contractors in north-eastern South Africa.
KwaMhlanga Group purchased the Rapidmix plant for the purposes of road rehabilitation through base layer stabilization and road construction through the use of sub-base layer stabilization.
As the Group’s previous production process had resulted in inaccurate blending of emulsions and cement into aggregates, and lower than desired outputs, KwaMhlanga set out to source a more effective equipment solution and eventually decided to invest in a Rapidmix 400CW mobile continuous concrete mixing plant.
KwaMhlanga’s operations director, Francois Bakkes, explained: ‘We did research for several years on aggregate mixing and found the very best solution in the Rapidmix – a hi-tech plant that is manufactured to last and offers maximum production. The ordering and fulfilment process was straightforward, and after a week of on-site training and commissioning, full production was attained.’
Commenting on the accuracy improvements that have been achieved, Mr Bakkes said the plant was providing ‘high-accuracy stabilization’, whilst in terms of throughput improvements, the Rapidmix 400CW plant was capable of achieving outputs of up to 400 tonnes/h, representing a substantial increase for the Group.
‘The Rapidmix plant has almost doubled roadworks production on our construction sites, resulting in more competitive pricing in the market and…major time savings,’ he commented.