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Prestigious award for Professor Neil Humphries

Prof Neil Humpries (centre)

Eminent British land-reclamation specialist receives 2013 ‘William T. Plass Award’ from ASMR
PROFESSOR Neil Humphries has been named as the 2013 recipient of the ‘William T. Plass Award’ of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation (ASMR).

This award was established by the Society to honour William ‘Bill’ Plass for his long-time commitment to mine land reclamation and for his major role in the establishment and organization of the ASMR.

It is the most prestigious award of the Society, with nominations reflecting or demonstrating outstanding contributions in the areas of mining, teaching, research, and/or regulatory or environmental consulting, with regard to land reclamation.


The nominee must also be recognized both nationally and internationally for his or her contributions to this field over a significant portion of their career.

Professor Humphries has been involved in reclamation research for 40 years and has worked across a wide range of mineral extraction, construction product and mine wastes for a number of companies. He is currently environmental co-ordinator with surface coal mining firm Celtic Energy Ltd.

Over the years he has designed and delivered many outstanding reclamation schemes for agriculture, forestry, nature conservation and ecosystems, landscape and sport amenities, many of which have received both public and industry recognition.

Another example of his work was the summarization and writing of a good-practice guide on the handling and management of topsoils during mining and reclamation. Published in 2000, this guide remains the standard reference for the handling of agricultural soils in the UK.

One of his letters of support for the William T. Plass Award stated: ‘Professor Humphries’ approach to dealing with land disturbance and other similar endeavours has been based on a rigorous scientific approach based on sound data and evidence using his considerable experience and expertise. It is a model that has engendered confidence and support from the environmental sector enabling successful outcomes to be achieved’.

Receiving his award at the 2013 national meeting of the ASMR in Laramie, Wyoming, earlier this year, Professor Humphries is pictured standing between ASMR President Dr Bruce Buchanan (left) and Dr Gerald Schuman, Chair of the ASMR Awards Committee (right).


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