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Hope Works celebrates 90 years of industrial service

Hope visitors

Thousands of visitors flock to Derbyshire cement works to mark nine decades of operations

MORE than 2,000 people visited Breedon’s iconic Hope Cement Works in Derbyshire last Saturday [1 June] to celebrate the site’s 90th year of operations.

Situated in the heart of the Hope Valley, Hope Cement Works is the largest cement-manufacturing operation in the UK and a major contributor to the local economy of the Peak District National Park.


Hosting visitors of all ages from the local area and further afield, Breedon provided site tours of the quarry and cement works, access to the works museum, as well as laying on various entertainments for younger visitors.

Particularly popular on the day were the historic vehicle and heavy machine exhibits and simulators, and the Nunlow locomotive, which returned to the works to mark the special occasion.

Ed Cavanagh, works manager at Hope, said: ‘We are delighted that so many people came along to help celebrate our 90th year. The event was a huge success and we’ve received lots of positive feedback from visitors.

‘Thanks to all the people who made the event so successful – both organizers and visitors. We’re very proud of the part we play in the lives and employment of people in the Peak District National Park.’


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